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收藏博文分享 2023-07-16 01:10:003互联网彩云红





3、liffe 伦敦国际金融期货交易所




1. 在lf1806交易中,买方和卖方必须符合交易所的开户和交易资格要求。

2. 交易双方可以通过交易所的交易平台进行交易,或者委托给经纪人进行交易。

3. 交易双方可以进行市价交易或限价交易。市价交易是按照当前市场价格立即进行交易,而限价交易是在设定的价格范围内等待合适的买卖方进行匹配。

4. 交易双方必须保证有足够的资金或证券来完成交易。

5. 在交易完成后,交易所会向双方提供交易确认,并进行资金或证券的结算。

6. 如果交易有任何争议,交易所可以进行调查并采取适当的措施解决争议。

7. 交易所可以根据市场情况和交易规则对交易进行暂停、限制或取消。

8. 交易所可能会对交易进行监管和监督,以确保交易的公平、公正和透明。

9. 交易双方在进行交易时应遵守交易所的任何其他规则和规定。

10. 交易双方应该定期关注交易所的公告和通知,以了解任何有关交易的重要信息。

liffe 伦敦国际金融期货交易所

Liffe (London International Financial Futures Exchange) was a futures exchange based in London. It was one of the largest derivatives exchanges globally and offered a wide range of financial products, including futures and options contracts on various asset classes such as interest rates, bonds, equities, and commodities.

Established in 1982, Liffe played a crucial role in facilitating the trading and hedging of financial instruments for market participants. It provided a transparent and regulated marketplace for buyers and sellers to trade derivatives contracts, allowing them to manage their exposure to price fluctuations and mitigate risk.

Liffe was acquired by Euronext, a pan-European stock exchange operator, in 2002. As a result, the exchange was rebranded as Euronext.liffe and operated as the derivatives arm of Euronext. However, in 2014, Euronext decided to sell its derivative business, which was subsequently acquired by Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in 2013.

Following the acquisition by ICE, Liffe was integrated into ICE's existing futures exchange platform, and the Liffe brand ceased to exist. The products that were previously traded on Liffe became part of ICE Futures Europe, which operates alongside other exchanges owned by ICE, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).


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